31 Ocak 2008 Perşembe

Turkmen horse

Turkmen horse
Originally uploaded by mdhagan

Kapoho Horses

Kapoho Horses #10 of 13
Originally uploaded by SparkyLeigh
It seems these shots of a horses eye are not a big hit on Flickr. But then I have never taken a photo in order to see how many comments it may get. Maybe there is a horse pool.

Hollar Horses

"Hollar" Horses
Originally uploaded by Momba
We call the farm the "Hollar", but this photo was taken "down in the hollar and up on the hill". :) If you'd like to see a better explanation of the "Hollar" and more "Hollar" photos, click here.

The horses belong to a neighbor who occasionally pastures his horses on "The Hollar" farm.

Tennessee, USA

Horse Love

Horse Love
Originally uploaded by acampm1

Show me

"Show me your horse and I will tell you who you are."
Old English saying

Horse Power

Horse Power
Originally uploaded by Steve Collins Photography
Taken at "Le Haras National Du Pin" - A National Stud in Argentan, Normandy, France with a 2 megapixel Nikon Coolpix 950. This was a Percheron - an enormous horse, the best part of a tonne in weight - that had just returned from exercise. It was drenched in sweat and pumping steam from every pore. The shot was taken through the narrow bars of the stable as sunlight shone through a small window on the far side.

dashing horses

dashing horses
Originally uploaded by Serge Marx
the horses were running past behind me, i spun ona s xpence and snapped the photo, not expecting much - well the shot wasn't clear, but it's interesting to my eye!

A horse's eye

A horse's eye
Originally uploaded by paulwb
The eye of our gelding, we call him "Schimmel", this means nothing more than white horse.

This is a processed raw file. I used Bibble to process it and Gimp for some more adjustments like the unsharp mask and to crop and frame it. It is a pity that I cut the very top part of the eye.

The Icelandic Horse

Did you know that not a single horse has been imported to Iceland since the year 1000?

Icelandic horse on Wikipedia

These two are a little wet from the nearly constant rain for the last couple of months, but that's nothing these sturdy creatures take notice of.

Grey horse's eye

Grey horse's eye
Originally uploaded by Saveena (AKA LHDugger)
Taken at Texover farms in Conroe, TX

horse (photo by deb)

horse (photo by deb)
Originally uploaded by eststudios

Graceful Black Horse

Graceful Black Horse
Originally uploaded by Isabelle Ann
Soaking wet, but still very beautiful!

One of the competitors warming up at the GMHA Dressage Days show.

NOTE: Some of the comments below aroused my curiosity, so I went back through the photos of this horse to see the sequence in which this one was taken. The horse was actually stopped and they were at rest while the owner talked with someone (I think her daughter) standing at the edge of the warm-up area--and she was actually removing the rain-cover from her dressage hat because she was due to go into the competition ring. The rider wasn't asking the horse to bend like this. I remember now, after looking at the sequence, that right after this photo the horse became aware of my camera, and was quite interested in what I was doing and I got some nice photos of him watching me watching him!

the horse eye effect

the horse eye effect
Originally uploaded by _Neverletmego_
took this image awhile back, when the days felt warm ^_^ hard taking a picture of a person who will pose almost still for you, try taking an image of a horse's eye! they keep moveing! horse's eyes to me usually look sad, but this one doesn't, i think so because of it's brightness and reflection :) but i hate the fact they have flies around their eyes :( this horse i fed an apple ^_^

A horse with no name.

A horse with no name.
Originally uploaded by stinac
Cought the eye of this beautiful horse touring in Grindavík.

When a Horse is a Prince

When a Horse is a Prince
Originally uploaded by Johny Day